Advantages And Disadvantages Of Telecommuting

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. The company lacked working synergy, as workers did not know one another. As a result, Meyer was looking forward to promote synergy in the organization and make workers feel part of the organization. The company had various idle infrastructures. As a result, Mayer saw the opportunity to bring workers together as a means of doing away with laziness, and utilizing idle infrastructure (Carlson 2).
Working from the office has proved more productive than telecommuting. According to the study done by (Allison., 2013), many companies view working from office as a way of increasing productivity. Ashley and Allison (par. 5) cite organizations, such as Service 15five, Mom Corps, and Bloomberg whereby their CEOs and staffs admit that productivity increases …show more content…

One of the disadvantages is increased isolation. When an individual works independently, he or she must be faced with a challenge of isolation. This is because when an individual works alone they are bound to feel lonely. Hamilton states that “loneliness is the key reason of lack of exposure to new ideas” (par. 5). Another disadvantage of telecommuting is loss of team spirit. This makes it difficult to pull together for people who are not actually together. Working as a group fosters a sense of belonging and a motivation to work toward achieving a common goal. For instance, in case workforce is remotely located, the sense of working toward a shared goal diffuses easily, especially in small organizations. Loss of synergy is another disadvantage of telecommuting. Working solely denies employees the knowledge of new ideas, which is necessary in the course of work to increase productivity. Putting heads together employees help a workforce come up with new ideas and solutions to issues as they crop up. Lack of communication is also a telecommuting disadvantage because no information is shared. Where information is not shared chances of not working right may occur. In addition, developmental matters and ways of solving problems may not be discussed.
Conclusion: the Way Forward to the Future of

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