Adult Attachment Analysis

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The Adult Attachment Interview Protocol provided me the opportunity to sit here and interview myself on my own childhood experiences. I’m always interviewing or assessing others but never myself. This assessment allowed me the opportunity to see how different experiences throughout my childhood has affected me as an individual and as an adult. There were times when I struggled to answer some of the questions because it brought up some suppressed thoughts and feelings. I’ve never told anyone about what happened to me as a child except for my mother, doctors, authorities, attorney, judge, and therapist. I even openly discussed in class a little about my childhood since I know that this program will have you revisit your past. I just didn’t …show more content…

My mother had allowed my father for the first time to take my brother and I to Florida on a vacation. Well unbeknownst to her my father was a part of the Jamaican Posse and was selling drugs state to state and internationally. He also had us around his girlfriend and their daughter at the time who he introduced her to us as the MAID. On a late night my father came home and the MAID told my father that I was just like my mother and that I thought I was better than her daughter. My father came into the living room smacked me in my face, he went outside and got a tamarind switch (like rose stem with the thorns), he told me get naked in front of everyone, he proceeded to whoop me, and then put me into an alcohol bath. I realized that these two incidents were monumental factors that affected my life forever. As an adult and throughout relationships with men I realize that I am belligerent when to talk to them at times, I’m ruthless at getting what I want from them, I am selfish at times, I am vain, and I am thoughtless of their feelings, thoughts, and needs if it didn’t suit my wants and needs. Ironically, these are the same negative adjectives that I have just stated about my father. I’ve said for years that I am nothing like him, but I treated men with no respect at times that didn’t meet my

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