Adrienne Rich: The Importance Of Receiving An Education

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Growing up being an African American male I would often hear that I had “2 strikes against me and with one more strike I would be out.” Now this is something I’ve been told since I was a toddler by my mother, father, grandmother, and on occasion even my teachers. They were implying that being black in America is a strike, and being a male was another strike, and all I needed was one more strike before I ended up behind bars or even dead. So based on what I’ve been told it seems to me that I came into this world with a huge disadvantage. This was disappointing information that was fed to me while I was growing up, but this drives me to become the best that I can to be so I do not become the average statistic. Adrienne Rich writes an essay where she talks about the importance of claiming an education. Now, I’m sixteen so this would be a good time in my life to start claiming my education. Rich is the author of an essay called “Claiming an Education” where she uses the words “claiming” and “receiving” very carefully. In the essay she talks about the difference between claiming an education and receiving an education. She states “You cannot afford to think of being here to receive an education; you will do much better to think of …show more content…

For me personally those obstacles are procrastination and becoming side tracked. Based on those bad habits I’m barely receiving an education let alone claiming one. Once I’ve overcome those obstacles I can start achieve my overall goal of becoming the best I can be and in addition I would be less like of receiving a third strike. Rich also mentions that the big difference of actually claiming and receiving the concept of acting and acting upon. So I feel that it would be necessary to focus on the bad habits of procrastination and being side tracked to help me reach my

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