Adamic Vs Abrahamic Covenant

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Biblical covenants were major events that established vital agreements between God and his people. Throughout the bible, there were several notable covenants that were established between the peoples of nations and God. The predominant covenants of the Old Testament each hold fundamentally similar agreements between God and his people. The Noahic, Adamic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and the Davidic Covenants show some particularly renowned covenants between God and very influential people of his. At the fundamental level, the covenants were all very similar, though there are a few nuances that differentiate them enough from one another to make each unique in their own right. Two particularly notable cases would be that of the Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenants. …show more content…

In accordance to the prior point of conditionality, the were presented in the bible with drastically different attitudes. As noted, “The following elements characterize the Abrahamic covenant: (1) its promissory tone, (2) emphasis on divine fulfillment, and (3) references to land, prosperity, and blessing...”4 the Abrahamic covenant was much more one sided, unconditional, and promised wealth such as land, prosperity, descendents, and blessings. God makes a one sided promise to Abraham through this covenant, one where the are no conditions in which he will annul the covenant. Rather, however, the tone differs greatly when it comes to the Mosaic covenant. On Sinai, God passed on the Law to his people, thus denoting a much more legal tone with this covenant. For example, “...On the other hand, the Mosaic covenant is characterized by (1) its legal tone, (2) emphasis on human responsibility, and (3) references to sabbath, sanctuary, and divine sovereignty.5, The overall way the covenant was presented was more ordered, conditional, and actual punishment for breaking the obligations handed to them. It is especially noteworthy how dire the consequences are presented in the Mosaic covenant. “The next generation, your children who rise up after you, as well as the foreigner who comes from a distant country, will see the devastation of that land and the afflictions with which the Lord has afflicted …show more content…

Abraham's covenant with God was a reaffirmation of a covenant from before, “that Abram was indeed in covenant with the Lord—but under the Adamic covenant and, more proximately, under the Noahic covenant.”8 The reaffirmation of Abram's covenant with God after he took up the new name of Abraham is what we call the Abrahamic covenant. The Mosaic covenant did something similar by bringing about the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant. “First, the children of Jacob/Israel grew into a great nation in Egypt in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant.” The descendents of Abraham had grown and divided into the nation of Israel that Moses led through the desert. “Second, the LORD delivered the nation from bondage in Egypt in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant...Third, Israel was to inherit the land of the Canaanites in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant.”9 Just as was promised in the Abrahamic covenant, “...your offspring shall be aliens in a land that is not their, and shall be slaves there...,”10 the Mosaic covenant sought to free Israel from its 'bondage' under Egypt. “Immediately following the forty years of wilderness wandering and just prior to Israel's entry into Canaan the Priestly and the Deuteronomic covenants were promulgated.”11 In fulfillment of establishing the land that God promised to Abraham, Moses led the people of Israel to the land of Canaan to claim their right. The

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