Act Prognosis By Mary Beth Marklein Summary

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The way we approach education is resulting in lower test scores and more failing students. In the articles “The real 21st-century problem in public education” by Elaine Weiss and “ACT prognosis” by Mary Beth Marklein, both authors support the fact that the way students are being taught is not adding up with test scores. We need to go at education in a way that will suit all students, not just the majority, and allow time for extracurricular activities. But in order to do that, we need better communication between the school and the students. In the ACT article, Marklein says that according to test results from 2009, “40% were unable to evaluate the contribution that significant details make to a test as a whole, nearly 40% could not solve …show more content…

These include small classes, challenging, rich curriculum, individualized instruction, and supportive responses to emotional and behavioral challenges. It also means ensuring a meaningful “floor” - in terms of school readiness, physical and mental health, and nutrition - on which they can stand in order to viably learn,”(2). That applies to all students, not just those in poverty. We need to pay attention to what’s good for the individuals, not just the most students. The article also mentions, “pressure on test scores has crowded out the art, music, and drama that cultivate a love of learning and that draw out a children’s unique skills,”(2). I could not agree more that homework and studying take up much of the time that could be dedicated to extracurricular activities that schools hypocritically urge students to do. As a part of many theatre programs, I can say that there is literally not enough time in a day to go to school, go to rehearsal, complete homework, eat properly, and sleep for the suggested amount of time. Even on weekends, without school, it’s nearly impossible because of the homework and studying

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