Achieving Financial Planning Success

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Financial planning process involves figuring out where you would like to be ,where you are , and how to go from here to there .I should set out my goals to achieve my financial planning success .My goals to be useful they must be Specific ,Measurable ,Attainable ,Realistic ,and Timely (S.M.A.R.T). My goals should be specific. Goals should establish criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal set. Goals should be identified based on the importance .They must represent an objective toward which both willing and able to work. A goal should b grounded within a time frame. When Alice is paying off a student loan she should set a time frame for the repayment of the loan. After graduating they are a lot of things that wanted to be achieved like getting a decent and well paying job according to my qualifications .She should also need an accommodation, clothes and furniture among other things .When she get job ,she should try to limit her expenses like buying a car instead of using public transport which is much cheaper ,she should also find accommodation to cheaper areas not to those areas which are very expensive .She should also did part time lecturing at a local private

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