Achieving Field Goals

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Have you ever seen the kicker on a football team try and kick on a windy day? He quickly realizes that the goal of knocking the ball through the uprights cannot be directly achieved due to the challenging conditions. Instead, the kicker adjusts to the wind and uses it in his favor in order to help him achieve his ultimate goal, make the field goal. That is how I interpreted this quote and I completely agree with the meaning behind this quote. Many people tend to give up when something is too hard, what they fail to realize is that the problem is not the goal but the way one is trying to get that goal may not work so one needs to go at it from a different angle. “If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” -Michael Jordan …show more content…

We all have goals in life that we wish to achieve but no matter what the goal is there will always be something that attempts to slow us down or challenge us on our journey. Those challenges are not what shape you but it is the way you handle and work with those challenges that will ultimately determine what will be the end result of your journey. The Confucius quote and the quote by Michael Jordan go hand in hand with one another. Humans are stuffed with goals and when they seem out of reach many tend to give up or change goals when instead they should be changing the way they approach it. The most important part in achieving something is in how you handle yourself when faced with obstacles. When you come across a challenge you feel is difficult to overcome don’t quit but instead change the steps in order to allow you to work around the

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