Academically Challenging Classes

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Stress, hard work, better education just three words to descried how it feels like to take an academically challenging class although it sound like hard work it’s worth it. Taking academically challenging classes is hard but after you get the hang of it it’s easy and can help you go a long way in life. It can help raise your GPA if you pass the classes, looks good when applying for colleges and can also earn you scholarships and save you money in the future. Therefore AP and Honor classes are important because it gives a person’s success, education and gives better opportunities for that person.
Taking an academically challenging class can help you go a long way in life believe it or not, the most known way is that it helps raise your GPA. This is true because each time you pass a class your GPA gets higher and …show more content…

Now scholarships are not promised and can also be lost if you don’t take things seriously. They are only given to students that colleges think deserve them. For instance if you are a really smart student who didn’t take their classes seriously and got all C’s and D’s then you are more likely to not get a scholarship and when you do go to college you will have a huge student loan to repay. Therefore if you take your classes seriously and you take academically challenging classes you will have a high GPA and may get scholarships. Taking academically challenging classes will not help your GPA. This is not true because when you finish all the classes that you need to graduate you will then be able to graduate early or take more AP classes. If you pass the AP class you will earn a college credit and have less classes to take when you go to college. The more classes you take and pass with high grades in high school, the more your GPA will go up. Although it might not be where you want or need it to be you taking these classes is a good way to help your

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