Abundant Community By John Mcknight: An Analysis

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One of the first statements made in The Abundant Community by John McKnight is, “It is our calling as citizens to ignore the voices that create dependency, for we are called to find our own way—not to follow their way.” This bold sentence sets the tone for the rest of the book. It is in these simple words that the main issue of individual independence within a community is exemplified. This individual self-reliance is vital to a decent, good, satisfied life. Local neighbors and citizens have the ability to change various life issues where as the government and professionals are unable to accomplish these tasks. Some of these life issues include; health, feeling safe and secure in neighborhoods, the environment, the economy, food, raising children, …show more content…

Anything you may need in life can be purchased. It is this belief that we are converted from citizen to consumer. This belief also takes away from the importance of a family and community. A family no longer provides the primary care needed to raise a child, instead coaches, babysitters, and teachers are paid to take up this responsibility. We expect the best, most expensive doctors to keep us healthy, instead of doing everything possible to keep yourself well. There is the belief that a strong heart, youth, and sexual desire are all purchasable. There is also the belief that institutions need to take care of the vulnerable, for example we pay to put old people in retirement homes. All of these things were once filled by the family and community, now it is just believed that you can easily buy these things which takes the function out of the family. To further compare a consumer to a citizen many people were asked to describe how they felt about their lives. The people who were in a consumer society said they only lived where they did because of their children, they didn’t know their neighbors, and they could go months without seeing their neighbors. They believed they had everything they could possibly need because they had the nice house, the good job, and were able to purchase anything they might need such as food, cleaning services, and lawn care, but although they had every material item …show more content…

Before America became a society that revolved around the money and products people would turn to their family and loved ones, especially during hard times. Now when someone goes through a heartbreak, traumatic loss, or huge life change instead of reaching out to the loved ones who know you personally Americans turn to therapists. Although these are highly trained individuals who have great resources to help you the people who once counseled you and helped pull you along during the rough patches were your family and community. Americans now would feel more comfortable talking to a complete stranger than a close family member. When put in these terms I find this to be mind-blowing. Family and community are the ones who are there for you and know you better than anyone. Not only would they be understanding to the situation but they would also know what would be most optimal for you and how you could come out most successful. Therapists are trained for the situations but not the individuals. Every person reacts differently and I believe the ones who are closest to the individual are the ones who would be able to help the most

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