Absent Father Essay

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Working Thesis: In African American families, some fathers don’t understand the importance of being present and participating in their children’s lives. The intention of this essay is to show that an absent father can extensively affect their children mentally and physically. It will be debated that inattentive fathers should be willing to make a change for the lives of their children.
Blow, Charles M. "Black Dads Are Doing Best of All." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 June 2015. Web. Mr. Charles Blow, the author of Fire Shut Up in My Bones, is a New York Tomes Op-Ed columnist. In his opinion piece Black Dads Are Doing Best of All, he clearly states that African American fathers are doing better than any other race in living in …show more content…

Statistics show that most absent fathers are serial fathers meaning that the father and mother holds a romantic relationship. There are twenty four million children that are raised in homes without their biological father. “Family churning” is when a couple splits in a family and the father moves out and a new man moves in. Fathers have an effect on children that makes them tend to be more academically stronger than those without a father. Not only does absent fathers cause short term problems but they also can cause the child to have long term problems like drug use. Children who are not in contact with their fathers are more likely to be treated for behavioral and emotional problems. Also girls are more likely to become a pregnant teen if the father is not pregnant. As concluded it is said that children’s relationships will be healthy if the mother and father have a content relationship. I can use this source by using the data and statistics provided in the …show more content…

He is also the author of five books including The Hunger of the Wolf and How Shakespeare Changed Everything. Stephen Marche is arguing that American fatherlessness is a national disaster. Fatherlessness effects suicide, incarceration risk and mental health issues. It is said that many new age fathers have fathering relatively easy compared to fathering in the 1960s. The new age fathers nurture and provide food and shelter and plays with the baby. The role of a father is to be there for the child physically and mentally. This article could help me in my essay because it goes into the history of fathering and the vast changes throughout the

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