Abortion: Murder after 20 weeks

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Flip a coin, heads a human lives, tails a human dies. Although some people may view the image of flipping a coin as a provocative metaphor for abortion, it does justifiably describe the fate fetus’s face from unwanted pregnancies. A fifty percent chance to be born, a fifty percent chance of death by abortion. Although abortion was legalized in the United States during the year 1973, through the U.S. Supreme Court Case of Rose vs. Wade, there is still much controversy surrounding the topic today. In order to for one to understand and develop a rational opinion on abortion, one must study the history, laws, and multitude of opinion on abortion.
An abortion is the medical process of terminating a pregnancy before the development or natural death of a fetus. Justifications exist for abortion. In some scenarios the end of a pregnancy is the best option, for example, in cases of placenta previa, women with severe diabetes, or cardio vascular conditions. All of these conditions can, if the mother delivers the soon to be baby, lead to the mother's death. Also, another justification many women have is carrying an unwanted fetus, which was a result of rape. An additional example of abortion justification involves the quality of life for the future child. If a woman is single or cannot pay to support a child properly, then she should not be forced to have one. In these instances abortion, before twenty weeks, is a smart alternative. However, can one really justify an abortion for a fetus that can feel emotions, such as pain, and has fingernails grown on his or her fingers and toes? At the point of twenty weeks the embryo is now a “baby” that has major sensory and emotional developments . It only makes sense that the United States woul...

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...aby has still been born alive where it is usually left unattended to die. Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion is a form of abortion after 20 weeks where doctors use chemicals that cause the mother’s uterus to contract to produce intense contractions. The contractions are much more violent then normal and will decapitate and kill the fetus. The last form of abortion after 20 weeks is, Hysterotomy or Caesaerean Section, in which the surgeon cuts through the abdomen and then cuts the umbilical cord. Once the umbilical cord is cut, the oxygen supply to the fetus is gone and the fetus suffocates. Sometimes, the fetus is born alive, but it is left in a corner to die. Although the abortion process provides pregnant women with an alternative option, after twenty weeks, due to the emotional and sensory growth of the fetus, it would be cruel and unethical to have an abortion.

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