Abortion And Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Debate

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Stem cells are currently being studied to potentially cure or prevent diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s. Obtaining stem cells from abortion is unethical compared to the stem cells obtained from IVF, however do the many medical benefits outweigh the beliefs of using aborted fetuses? The controversial topic of abortion and stem cell research is one that can be looked at in many different ways. The current trials and studies involving stem cells are so beneficial to so many people who are suffering from sometimes life threatening diseases. To give a little background into this research; human embryonic stem cells are the cells that are the building blocks of all tissues throughout the human body. The cells are from human embryos which can be obtained from fertility clinics in which they would be the left overs from assisted reproduction such as in vitro fertilization or (IVF). The ethical dilemma with using stem cells however is that harvesting the cells from a living human would cause destruction or death of the embryo. …show more content…

The idea behind this is that no harm is coming to the fetus or the mother in the case of a stillborn or a miscarriage or the use of cord blood. The umbilical cord is detached from the infant right after birth therefore using the cord blood and those stem cells would also not cause any harm to the infant. Stem cell research becomes unethical when fetuses are being aborted for the purpose of the stem cell research, this is not only risking the mother but also killing a human being (the

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