Aboriginal Education

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The Aboriginal Education and Training Policy`s (AETP) (NSW DET 2008) main goal is that “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will match or better the outcomes of the broader student population” (1.1.2) and includes an explicit focus on developing cultural competencies (NSW DET 2008, p.6). Establishing ‘learning partnerships’ and relationships with Aboriginal communities, including Aboriginal content within the curriculum (NSW BOS 2008, p. 2), and engagement are advocated as necessary elements to achieve this edict. Racism has been proven to be an extremely detreimental factor on all fronts, especially within the education context. To address this intolerance the Anti-Racism Policy (ARP, 2005) is committed to eradicating all forms …show more content…

The importance of the acknowledgement between land, language and Aboriginal identity (NSW BOS 2003, p.6) can be seen through past historical events and present Government policies. Keeffe (1992) suggests belonging to the land and possessing cultural traits unifies the Aboriginal people on a whole, language being a major factor in maintaining their cultural identity. Keeffe (1992) found that Aboriginal language is treasured, due to the opinion it was stolen but in a variety of ways identified as being both examples of persistence and resistance, was reclaimed. Language is symbolic of the hardship and strength of the Aboriginal people and culture. The inclusion of AE, within the context of learning languages, improves mental functions due to the concentration on systems and patterns found in linguistics. Therefore AE, with justification on numerous accounts, has been included in government and education policies and programming such as the creation of the AETP (NSW DET 2008) and Working with Aboriginal communities’ consultation and protocol document (NSW BOS …show more content…

This strategy of developing a relationship with Aboriginal communities can be seen as one of the most important strategies in the regards to the realisation of meeting 1.1.2 (NSW DET 2008). These learning partnerships have been proven to be beneficial to the community on the whole, not only “giving credibility and integrity to the teaching of Aboriginal students and syllabus content related to Aboriginal issues” (NSW BOS 2008, p. 2) but also builds pride and confidence within the Indigenous parents and therefore their community. The NSW BOS (2008, p. 2) goes on to say that for a school to provide authentic experiences, skills and knowledge in context to Aboriginal studies; they must consult Aboriginal people. The AETP (NSW DET 2008) believe that consultation with Aboriginal communities will provide the support and knowledge teachers need to develop engaging and motivating learning environments and scenarios, demonstrate high expectations and work with Aboriginal students in their pursuit of ‘personal

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