Abc X Model Of Family Stress Theory

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In season nine of the office Jim gets a new job that has been his dream. Pam encourages Jim to pursue his dream and continues to work at company where they met. Throughout the season it becomes evident that Jim and Pam have bitten off more than they can chew. Throughout the episodes Jim and Pam find themselves descending into crisis. This theory stresses the ABC-X model of family stress and uses this to explain the stressor, and how the family handles it. A is the stressor or event B is the resources, C is the definition of the situation, and X is the family’s stress or crisis. Pam and Jim’s stressor is that he is now working two jobs, one of which is far away. This leads Pam to manage her job, their household, and their children all on their own while Jim is away at work. The family stress theory states that humans at time can experience a double A factor, this can be seen in the episode where Pam accidently messes up recording her daughters dance recital. Jim gets upset and Pam responds that it wouldn’t have been an issue if Jim had been present in the first place. Another point of stress for the couple becomes a family friend named Andrew. With Jim absent Andrew becomes Pam’s main support and Jim begins to get a little …show more content…

Jim believes that by pursuing his dream and working for Athlead he is doing what is best for him and his family. On the other hand while Pam is trying to be supportive of Jim she feels alone, overwhelmed and overworked. The couple is each confined to their own view of their half of the relationship. This can also be seen when Pam messes up the video of her daughters performance. Jim is upset because he feels overworked and sad at his loss of a deal, and suggest that seeing the video would cheer him up. Pam then explains that she accidently messed up the recording process and failed to get the video. Jim gets angry and lashes out at Pam who then places the blame on

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