Abandonment And Community In Plainsong

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Plainsong, a movie adaptation from a book of the same name by Kent Haruf, is about the lives of a community from Holt, Colorado. The movie tells the story of different character’s hardships and the value of family, though you don’t always have to be related to be family and make a difference in someone’s life. The two most important themes of Plainsong are abandonment and community. Abandonment is the state of being abandoned by someone or something, and in the case of Victoria Roubideaux, once she found out she was pregnant, her mother kicked her out and changed the locks so she couldn’t come home. The baby’s dad also skipped town to escape. Victoria drove to her English teacher, Maggie Jonas’, house. Maggie let Victoria stay there until her father with Alzheimer’s started …show more content…

Without that sense of community, no one would have made it through the struggles they faced in this movie. Between Victoria’s teen pregnancy and Bobby and Ike Guthrie’s mother running away, the people of Holt definitely have their hands full. Maggie took on the emotional responsibility for Tom and tried to take care of Victoria too. The McPheron brothers both acted like “grandpa’s” to the characters making sure everyone and everything was taking care of. Mrs. Stern turned into a mother-figure for the boys’ whose mother ran away to Denver. The whole community had huge hearts and a great desire to help and support one another, and that is the whole concept of a community; to help others in times of need.
Plainsong showed the pain of abandonment, but it also showed how wonderful a community could be. It shows that there are good and bad people in the world and how you have to find the right mix for you. It shows life goes on after a crisis, it also shows you have people that have your back in both good and bad times. There will always be a Maggie Jones for you when you need to be picked back up off the

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