A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

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Everything you do in life takes courage. Many people do not realize this because it is not something that you think about. Even starting from a child’s first step or believing in yourself and being confident. All these three stories deal with having a great amount of courage and belief in themselves. I believe courage is a quality that everyone should have and practice because it will get you far in life. My three favorite texts this semester that we studied, include, Courage by Anne Sexton, I, Too, by Langston Hughes, and A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, all because they all deal with having a great amount of courage. One of my three favorite texts that we studied this semester, is Courage by Anne Sexton. I really like this one because it begins to talk about everything in life that takes courage, starting with a child’s first step. Many of these, you would never even think about being difficult, but at the younger ages, these all were to us. I love this poem because courage is needed for everything in life, big …show more content…

This is a short story about an older lady that travels this path to get her grandson medicine when he is sick. She has traveled that path many times before, making it a ‘worn path’. This takes a lot of courage to walk that path so many times, doesn’t matter the weather. Especially because she is an older woman and that is actually very kind and amazing that she does that. This was a long walk and went deep in the woods, but she never stopped and never gave up. In Eudora Welty’s short story, A Worn Path, she says, “On she went. The woods were deep and still.” (Welty 850). Sometimes she would run into different barricades in the way, like dogs and foxes, but this never stopped her. I really like this story because it shows a strong independent woman walking miles and miles just to help her grandson and she never complains and has a big heart about the whole

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