A View from Mars, A Theme Analysis

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In the story, "The View of Me From Mars," Lee K. Abott writes a story about a father and son relationship. In this story the father realizes that he isn't perfect and tries to have his son cover up his own mistake. Lee K. Abott, though being subtle, makes it known, through the characters he uses, that a person can't believe everything he sees. The author successfully enlightens the reader with his use of point of view, characterization, and theme to make the reader feel sympathy and to give the story credibility.

The story is written in the first person narrative from the father's point of view. Abott's choice of writing in the first person makes the story interesting because the reader knows how the father thinks and feels in certain situations. The reader knows that the father is a pastor, "Me in the pulpit sermonizing about parables and Jesus...." The reader also knows that the father isn't being faithful to his wife when he states, "I am an adulterer...." The father in the story tries to get his son to lie for him when he says, "Tell her. I had a story he could confirm-..." Because Abott choose to write in the first person narrative the reader doesn't know what the son choose to do or even if the wife left her husband. In the end the father realizes that he is being like the father he read a story about; lying to cover up what doesn't look good to the human eye.

Abott's description of the father adds credibility to the story. The fact that the father was a pastor and was being adulterous, "Me in the pulpit sermonizing about parables and Jesus...." and "I am an adulterer...." made the reader feel that any person can have a big name and responsibility, but even then a person can't believe everything he sees. Then the father tries to cover up where he has been when the wife asks and he also tries to have his son cover up for him. When his wife asks him where he was at he says, "I was at the golf course watching Pudge (his son)." Then to make his story credible he tells his son to agree with the story,"Tell her.

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