A Retrieved Reformation O Henry

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In the end of O. Henry’s short story, “A Retrieved Reformation,” multiple factors provoked Jimmy’s decision to save Agatha. Jimmy Valentine was a former robber who changed his name to Ralph D. Spencer after passing by a young lady, named Annabel. Annabel shortly became engaged to Jimmy. Although later in the story, her niece, Agatha, gets stuck in the vault which was owned by Annabel’s father. Agatha and May were sisters, just having fun being kids, but May accidently locked her sister inside of the vault. Then, Jimmy is faced with a challenging decision, whether or not he wanted to reveal his secret as a robber in order to save his fiance’s niece. However, doing so could jeopardize his and Annabel’s relationship. One factor which influenced Jimmy’s decision to save her was when Agatha’s mother started pounding on the door of the vault, as she …show more content…

Her mother started suggesting wild ways to open the door, such as dynamite, which Jimmy knew was a crazy idea, but hearing the little girl screaming he knew he couldn’t just let her die in there. Next, another factor that impacted his choice to open the vault door was how anxious Annabel was during this situation. Annabel looked a Ralph, O. Henry mentioned, “Annabel turned to Jimmy, her eyes full of anguish” (35). After notiing how terrified she was, Jimmy knows he has to do at least something to help. Lastly, Annabel was begging Ralph to open the vault door to save her niece Agatha. This short story says, “To a woman nothing seems quite impossible to the powers of the man she warships.” “‘Can’t you do something Ralph-try won’t you?”’(35). Right after she asked Jimmy to open the door again, he just knew that he had to do it. He threw Ralph D. Spencer away, and transformed back into Jimmy Valentine to open the

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