A Retrieved Reformation By O Henry

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O. Henry’s short story, “A Retrieved Reformation”, starts with a criminal being pardoned from jail. Jimmy Valentine used to go around cracking safes, and as soon as he is released, he starts up right again. But then Jimmy moves to a different city, changes his name, and on his first day there, he sees a girl -- the banker’s daughter -- falls in love, and decides to start a new life. One lesson this story indicates is how a change of scenery and meeting different people can change someone for the better. After Ralph decides to settle in Elmore, a little town in Arkansas, he crosses paths with a young lady, later referred to as Annabel, and falls in love. “Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes -- ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alterative attack of love -- remained in Elmore, and prospered.” Henry himself states that Jimmy has changed after meeting Annabel, the banker’s daughter, and falling in love with her. His business of selling shoes to the people of Elmore had been working out greatly for him, and was respected by the little town. “At the end of a year the situation of Mr. Ralph Spencer was this: he had …show more content…

Jimmy recognizes Ben, and almost seems ready to go with him back to jail on his own accord. Ben then pretends to not know Jimmy, rather, calling him by his alias of Ralph Spencer. “And then Ben Price acted rather strangely. ‘Guess you’re mistaken, Mr. Spencer,’ he said. ‘Don’t believe I recognize you. Your buggy’s waiting for you, ain’t it?’” This quote shows how Ben had come to bring Jimmy back to jail, but he figures out that Jimmy is a changed man and decides to give him the benefit of the doubt, but almost suggesting that as soon as Jimmy tried anything illegal again, he would be right back on his trail, ready to put him in jail and keep him

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