A Person Who Has Impacted My Life

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The person who really impacted my life to make me who i am today would be one of the two people who brought me into this world. He made a big difference in my life the day he left when he decided that he didn?t need a family anymore. A father is someone every child needs in their life to guide them through certain obstacles during life. After 5 years of being born he really didn?t teach me anything that was truly needed during that time.

My father left when i was 5 years old i didn?t think much of it since i was too young to know anything. He was a unstable man living the wrong life he was going down the wrong road he couldn?t handle a family obviously. He was a great man before heading down the wrong road he could have fixed it all if his mentality was in the right state. This is one of the reasons why he left my family behind like we never existed. One big part of that i learned not to take those same steps as my father so i won?t make the same mistake. …show more content…

Even if he wasn?t in my life for 12 years he still did a lot without being there for along time. He showed me that leaving out of nowhere can do a lot of damage to a child?s life. He took a lot from me by leaving he didn?t teach me how to ride a bike or fly a kite nothing a father should teacher a kid. He showed me that just because he brought you into this world doesn?t mean he?s gonna stay with you to see you

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