Compare And Contrast Araby And A & P

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“A & P” by John Updike and “Araby” by James Joyce are two short stories that have both similarities and differences between them. Even though these stories were written in different countries, at different times, they still have many similarities. Both stories are about teenage boys, that live normal lives and both go through changes due to girls by the end of the story. By looking at the setting and the context included in both stories, the reader can notice the similarities and differences between them. In both stories, the literary device that most readers realize is unique is the setting the stories take place in. The protagonist in both stories give details about their daily lives and the city’s and neighborhoods they each live in. As the characters explain this, they also give insight on what their opinions are about where they live. For example, the setting in “A & P” takes place at an A & P grocery store north of Boston, five miles …show more content…

One of the differences between the two is the character in “Araby” seems to be a lot creepier like. For example, the narrator says, “Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door. The blind was pulled down an inch of the sash so that I could not be seen.” (248). In “A & P,” Sammy doesn’t show any traits such as this. In this story, the protagonist starts to fall for the girl who lives across the street from him. After going days after days without actually talking to her, one day she came up and talked to him. The narrator said, “she asked me if I was going to the Araby. I forgot if I answered yes or no. It would be a splendid bazaar; she said she would love to go” (249). After the narrator found out the girl wanted but couldn’t go he was determined to go and bring her a present home. On the day of the bazaar, due to late money obligations, the narrator was too late and all the stalls were

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