A Note On Dinoflagellates

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BIO 2: Take Home Test
The first organism that I will be talking about is called Dinoflagellates . The super group that this organism belongs to is called Chromalveolates. They are members of the phylum Pyrrophyta , which means “Fire Plants.” . About half of the Dinoflagellates are photosynthetic and other half live as heterotrophs.
Dinoflagellates are organisms that usually have two flagella. The Flagella is a structure that is used to wrap itself in the organism’s grooves between the two thick plates of cellulose. The cellulose is the material that protects the cell. The flagella also serves like a threadlike structure which is used for movement. The organism’s nucleus is very unique because it shares both characteristics of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
Closely Dinoflagellates do have a parasitic relationship with other organisms. They kill the host organisms. They are capable of producing their own food and they make chlorophyll a and c. The producers are not dependent on any other organism for its source of food. However the ones that are carnivores can be dangerous. Those that are carnivorous can release toxic waste in the water that can also affect other marine organisms. Few dinoflagellates are also symbiotic in relationship which the organisms use the remaining food of the host. These dinoflagellates that are symbiotic are also known as “zooxanthellae.”
Many of its species are luminescent and when it’s disturbed by sudden movement in the water they give off light as a result. The movement of a boat’s hull will cause the dark water to shimmer with a blue light. Therefore it results to this luminescent property giving the phylum its name. These organisms are very common in aquatic environments. Also...

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... Introduction to Foraminifera page. Some of these organisms can be found in ocean, coral reefs, and finally salt marshes.
The organism has pseudopods that are used to capture food than later used for movement. They have a shell made of calcium carbonate or sand grains that are cemented by mucus and form net like structure to capture the food. This organism is had a symbiotic relationship between other organisms.
The final organism that I will be talking about is Radiolarians. This organism belongs to the super group Rhizaria as well. Radiolarians are amoeboid protozoa that produce skeletons. They are mostly found with a central capsule that divides the cell inside and outside which is called endoplasm and ectoplasm. The habitat this organism is found as a zooplankton throughout the ocean. Its skeletal remains cover majority of the ocean bottom.

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