A New Roof

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What To Expect When You Get A New Roof If you need a new roof on your house, you may be wondering what it entails. It may not be as simple as replacing the shingles. Sometimes the roof has to be rebuilt if the deck is rotted. Your contractor will give you an idea of what to expect after he or she has inspected your roof and determined what type of work needs to be done. Here is an overview of how a new roof is installed. The Old Shingles Are Torn Off This might be an optional step if the deck under the shingles is in good shape and there is only one layer of shingles on your roof now. In some places, local codes allow for two layers of shingles on a roof. If this is the case for you, you'll save money on your new roof because you won't have to pay for tearing the old roof off and disposing of it. If the old roof has to come off, the roofers pry off the shingles and toss them in a dumpster for disposal later. In addition, flashing in valleys and around vents is removed as well. If the flashing is still in good shape, it is possible to save it and use it again. …show more content…

Then the deck is swept clean of debris so it is ready for the new roof. If part of the wood is rotted due to leaks, it is ripped off and replaced. The damaged wood has to be repaired before new shingles are installed or it will continue to deteriorate. After repairs are made if they're needed, roofing felt is applied to the deck. This material acts as a moisture barrier that keeps the wood deck dry so it won't rot. This underlayer comes in big rolls that is spread out on the deck and stapled into place. The New Roof Is

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