National Health Program Essay

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A National Health Program is a relief for doctors? Have you ever delayed a doctor’s appointment because you cannot afford it?. According to a survey published on 2009 by The American Journal of Public Health, the lack of an insurance have caused 45,000 deaths a year in The United States. The same Harvard study found that “people without health insurance had a 40 percent higher risk of death than those with private health insurance — as a result of being unable to obtain necessary medical care”. Most of the time people avoid visiting doctors due to economic factors and decide to self-medicate generating that their health get worse, as a result, people might develop mortal diseases and aggravate their economy. Indeed, It is unfair that a human being’s life have to rely on money, so a National Health Program is designed to provide affordable medical care to all citizens. The enforcement of a Universal Healthcare system has positives outcomes on patients, incomes and costs. As a Global Health Care plan allows every citizen, even those with low income, to obtain coverage, the number of doctor’s patients and their earnings will increase. In addition, doctors reduce costs through simplifying payments. Definitely, the development of a National Health program brings benefits on patients, …show more content…

The high cost of insurances is one of the main reasons why people is underinsured. According to “Nurse’s Guide to Single Payer Health Care” 47 millions of Americans does not have health insurance also the same article explains that medical care in the United States rises 7% a year. For example, my friend Roberto, whose incomes hardly cover his rent and basic services, could not afford a $300 monthly payment for insurance, but with a National Health program his monthly payment is reduced to $70. Thus, lower cost increases people under coverage and produce higher incomes for

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