A Modest Proposal

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My fellow Americans, we are faced with an alarming trend that has grave consequences for our nation. It is a trend that, if left unabated, will continue to hasten the degradation of the intellect of the country as a whole. As we worry about our children at home falling behind foreign students in the classroom, we are ignoring a serious problem among so called educated adults. The issue before us, ladies and gentlemen, is the abysmal grammar many people use. I have given much thought to this issue and how to rectify it. Many have tried to teach proper grammar but have failed and it is because they are focusing their attention in the wrong way. Adults have attempted unsuccessfully to teach proper grammar in America’s youth. Kids are taught the difference between “your” and “you’re,” “to” and “too,” but teachers do not impress upon children just how important good grammar is to be a useful member of society. Kids eventually do not take this grammar education as seriously as they should. Those kids grow up to be adults who make grammatical mistakes that should have been corrected a long time ago. This deficiency is most prevalent on social networking sites and in text messaging and it must be stopped immediately. It is with great pride that I announce I have formulated a solution to the grammar crisis we are faced with. It is a solution so foolproof that soon grammar enthusiasts will never again have to shake their head in dismay at people’s atrocious grammar. My proposal is called the Three Strike Plan and it applies to everyone that has graduated from high school. Anyone caught displaying a blatant disregard for proper grammar three times with be banished for life to a remote area with other language criminals. Vigilantism i... ... middle of paper ... ...unt, subject to the Supreme Court of Grammar’s discretion, as a violation. By allowing somebody two chances to fix their subpar grammar before being sent away, this proposal is a compassionate, ethical approach to solving this country’s grammar problems. Let it be known that nobody, myself nor anybody else tasked with enforcing the provisions of the Three Strike Plan, are in any way immune from prosecution. Anybody, from the president to a factory worker, are subject to the same rules. I am simply a man who cares deeply about the sad state of grammar in this country. I hope that someday this great nation will be free of the horror of terrible grammar and that a child will never have to see the word “to” ever used incorrectly. If you share that wonderful dream with me, the Three Strike Plan surely is the best method to reach the goal of universal proper grammar.

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