A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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The Nature of Love

The nature of love is one of A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s most important themes. Although the play involves many romantic elements, it is truly not a love story as it portrays love through suffering, afflictions, and pain. For instance, the circle of love between Hermia, Demetrius, Lysander, and Helena demonstrates how love destroys relationships and causes suffering. In the end of the story, Demetrius and Lysander fall in love with Helena and, blinded by their love, are willing to suffer, bleed, and die in its name. Similarly, the best friendship between Hermia and Helena shatters and turns into mutual resentment as Hermia accuses Helena of stealing Lysander. Although love can be fulfilling and joyful, it can also be the main source of jealousy and dissatisfaction. Upon finding out Lysander’s plan to marry Hermia at his aunt’s place, Demetrius decides to follow them and do what is necessary to stop their relationship. His feelings for Hermia are more important to him than the consequences of his actions. He is willing to ruin their plans and happiness to gratify the love that he feels for Hermia. Demetrius …show more content…

Lysander, in an attempt to prove his love for Helena, wants to fight and prove that his love for Helena is much stronger than Demetrius’. Lysander says: “If that’s what you say, go fight a duel with me and prove it.” To which, Demetrious responds: “Quick, come. “This example shows that in an attempt to prove their love, both Lysander and Demetrious are willing to inflict and receive pain and suffering. Love affects their common sense and turns them into beasts who are willing to bleed, suffer, and die in the name of

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