A History of the Ebola Virus

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“The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by human parasite.”
―Richard Preston, author of The Hot Zone, speaking about Ebola

Ebola is the deadliest viral disease by bleeding. It is known to attack everything in the human body, but the skeletal muscle and bone. The name Ebola comes for the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Dudley 22) The Ebola Virus is one of the two members of the filovirus family. (Ryan 244) The other member of the family is hemorrhagic fever which Ebola cause you to get the fever. There are four different strains of Ebola each similar to one another. Researchers believe that the virus is animal-borne and is normally in animal host that is native to Africa. The Ebola cannot survive by itself and needs either a host or a reservoir for its continued existence. The first recorded outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever occurred in 1976 in Africa in Zaire. (Oldstone 130) Right after the outbreak in Zaire an outbreak occurred in Sudan. Together, these outbreaks infected over six hundred people and killed over fifty percent of them. Ebola is classified as a level four pathogen meaning it is very lethal. Ebola is termed as `hot' virus because of its lethal infective agent. (Preston 4) Ebola is rod-shaped, with coiled strands of RNA along with a little hook at one end. Its genome is contained in a helical nucleocapsid, and the whole virus is enveloped. (Ryan 321) The RNA contain seven mysterious proteins that are joined together to make the virus work like an eating machine and allows its self to make copies the RNA to help destroy the bodies of the victims.(Garrett 6)

Researches have figured out that the Ebola virus remains stable at room temperature (20°C), ...

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...ses. (Regis 145) It is possible to say that this disease can be transmitted from monkeys to humans. It is not known at this time the trends that the Ebola has. The Ebola virus will probably reappear in places where there are lots of monkeys in the population such as Asia and Africa. There is no drug or treatment that can cure Ebola, but there are ways to prevent Ebola from spreading. As of this time there is no information about a person who has caught Ebola twice and lived to tell about it, so it is impossible to say if a person is immune to the virus after they survive a first episode. The Ebola virus is very deadly and anyone who comes in contact with it will most likely die.

“The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by human parasite.”
― Richard Preston, The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus

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