A Helpful Beginner's Guide To Yoga Essay

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Page Title: A Helpful Beginner’s Guide to Yoga | Health Inquire
Meta Description: Yoga is now more popular than ever thanks to its many benefits. Here’s what you need to know about the practice before you jump into it.

What You Need to Know If You Are a Beginner to Yoga

First of all, you do not have to be as flexible as a Cirque du Soleil performer in order to do yoga. Yes, being ultra bendy is beneficial, but it’s not a requirement.

There is more to yoga than contorting your body into difficult asanas (poses). It does improve strength, balance, and flexibility. But it is also about achieving mindfulness (mindful awareness) and self-discovery.

What Are the Benefits?

While most people today do the practice for physical exercise, there are many other reasons why it is widely popular.

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An Open Mind – Come to your session with a willingness to improve your overall well-being and an openness to learn. This will allow you to pick up important learnings and enjoy the experience more.
3. Your Time – Be at the studio at least 15 minutes before your class begins. This allows you to be better prepared physically, emotionally, and mentally.

What to Leave Behind Before Beginning Your Yoga Session?

1. Shoes – The practice is done barefoot, so leave your footwear outside the door.
2. Phones – How are you going to focus on connecting your mind and body if you keep getting notifications and messages? Plus, it will surely disturb or annoy your classmates. Turn off your phone or leave it in your bag in silent or ‘do not disturb’ mode.
3. Expectations – Don’t think that you’ll be able to perform a handstand and contort into a pretzel after just one session. You also might not be able to mediate successfully after just an hour of practice. If you expect too much from yourself right away, you might quit after just one class. Allow yourself enough time to get into the flow and find what works for you and what doesn’t.

Helpful Reminders

1. Go at your own

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