A Good Brain Pruning

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There are many differences between the relationship of the brain and behavior. In passage one, “Embarrased? Blame Your Brain”, It talks about brain changes as a teen and embarrassment. On the other hand, in passage two, “Use It or Lose It: A Good Brain Pruning”, it talks about brain activity and the development of the brain. The brain affects behavior in three different ways such as, the embarrassment level, pruning of the brain, and the age when these effects occur to the brain.
One topic is embarrassment.In “Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain”, it talks about brain activity and the embarrassment level that changes. In paragraph 3 it talks about when the brain changes and how it changes. It also talks about the effects of the brain changes such as the hormones that develop. In (Smith #3) it states that, “Hormones push the brain’s shame and self-consciousness systems into overdrive. Because of these brain changes, teens start reacting more strongly to social problems.” This quote shows how the brain changes affect the level of embarrassment or self-consciousness.
Another topic is the pruning of the brain. It is the idea that by practicing a skill over and over, one will strengthen the neurons in the brain. In “Use It or Lose It: A Good Brain Pruning”, it talks about the pruning of the teen brain and the neurons in the brain. In paragraph 18
In passage one it talks about the brain activity and embarrassment. On the other hand, passage two goes on to talk about the pruning of one’s brain. In“Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain”, (Smith#3) it states that, “Sometime during middle school, changes in the brain activity transform how we see the world.” In (Smith #4) it says that,” Because of these brain changes, teens start reacting more strongly to social problems.” Both of these quotes in passage one explain that the brain activity and embarrassment level increase in one’s teen

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