A Correlation Between Bullying And Teen Domestic Violence

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Teen Domestic Violence is a serious problem in today’s world. Many behaviors taught and learned can lead to teen domestic violence. More attention and research should be done for the topic. It needs to be looked at through a new light to see what may be causing this epidemic. It is clearly an entirely new concept. A couple of the ideas that factor into this are the influence of peers on their friends, the strength of these friendships, and the lack of relationship experience. At least one in three high school students have/will be involved in an abusive relationship (Maas, et al, 2012). It is no longer just males being the perpetrator, females also engage in the violence. My research study aims to find a correlation between bullying and teen dating violence. Also, to uncover the factors that lead to bullying and in turn causes teen dating violence. For example, the breaking of social bonds that is essential for teenagers. They may mistreat their peers, and in turn society labels them as bullies. Other examples may be kids that were bullied and they are trying to get revenge for what they experienced. As they grow older, these bullies get into relationships and the same feelings of disconnect soon arise again. As a result, the bullies turn to the only violence they know. By finding the factors that lead to bullying and teen dating violence, social policy can be created to help this growing societal issue.
Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior by one partner towards another in order to gain and maintain power and control in the relationship. Often times it occurs between adults but it can also occur in teen relationships, familial relationships, etc. Domestic violence is not only limited to physical, emotional, or...

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...ations, rather than leaving it to law enforcement. Having this bill passed in New York, would allow the state to set standards as to what is teen dating violence entails. It would also provide proper information to students, teachers, and school officials as to what they should do if ever faced with a situation. The New York State bill also encompasses another aspect, which was not found in many other bills and laws. It includes intimidations made by social media, text, and via the Internet as teen dating violence. This will also help with collecting statistics on teen dating violence. The New York State bill would classify teen dating violence as a crime, and therefore records must be kept (Center for Disease Control, 2012). Things such as causes, effects, risks, and prevalence when regarding teen dating violence in the community would be monitored more closely.

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