A Comparison of Myself to Hamlet

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My worldview has changed drastically since I last took this class. I had always believed in God, believed he was the creator of all things, the maker of heaven and earth. However, I never knew there could be a relationship with him until I was born again. Now I know that all things are new, all the old has passed. Although, learning to love my enemies has not been easy, I know now that God should be the only one to judge. It is my position no longer to hold a grudge or seek vengeance. Vengeance is not mine and nor should vengeance be anyone’s. No good can ever come from vengeance. Vengeance is the root of all evil, Satan’s sole purpose to seek, kill and destroy.

What is real?

We are all human beings, bearing the same sins and feelings yesterday and today. It is easy to become conformed to this world when we are going through trials and tribulations. When presented with a situation it is far too easy to become obsessed or focused upon it when we are in the mist of it. When Hamlet was confronted with his Father’s Ghost he became so distraught, angry, even scared that his Father wou...

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