A Comparison of Budhhist and Confucionism

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There is only one similarity: teaching a person well. Buddhist belief takes one toward enlightenment, while Confucianism teaches good conduct. Both belief, culture destroyed and deprecated by the Chinese Communist regime during the Great Cultural Revolution. A Chinese man found Confucianism, but an Indian man found Buddhism. These quick comparisons show how the religions differ, but more detailed comparisons you’ll read throughout the essay.

A man named Confucius founded Confucianism; which is how the religion got its name. Buddhism was found by Siddhartha Gautama and given the name Buddhism because Buddha means the one who has awakened. Confucianism was found in the Chinese state of Lu, where Confucius was born in 551 BCE. Buddhism was found in Northern India where Siddhartha was born in 563 BCE. Both of the religions formed in the mid-500s BCE just a couple of countries apart and their concepts were similar but they differ as well as seen in this paragraph.

The Buddhist belief Buddhism seeks attainment of nirvana whereby a person transcends materiality of the world and atta...

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