A Comparison Of Walden By Henry David Thoreau

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In Walden, Henry David Thoreau makes a series of intriguing claims but in all reality he takes everything just a little too far. Do I believe that the beauty of nature should be appreciated? Yes. However, I do not believe that in order for this to happen we must abandon everything we have become accustomed to as a society. We have to ask ourselves: what is so wrong with enjoying the advancements that have been presented to us throughout our entire lives? As a teenager, I have heard many stories that begin with “Back in my day...” or even the classic “When I was your age…” told by my parents, grandparents or anyone who has lived in the pre-cell phone world. They all end the same way- with someone far older than me telling me that if I was to …show more content…

There have been a few people, inspired by Thoreau, who have tried to lead a simpler life including Christopher McCandless and Ken Ilgunas, author of Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom. Now these two men had entirely different experiences leading up to the decision to abandon some modern technologies. McCandless had an abusive home life and decided that living off the land in Alaska would be more beneficial than continuing on his path of becoming a lawyer. He abandoned all modern technology and died tragically in the Alaskan Wilderness. Ken Ilgunas made very different decisions and his experience was completely different. Ilgunas decided to try living in a van to save money on his tuition at Duke University. He still had access to modern technology and other aspects of life that we so enjoy. What Ilgunas discovered is that, people crave people they want “a meaningful role to play in society,” (“Walden on Wheels”, Ilgunas). What we can draw from these stories is that it is important to experience life in your own way. For Thoreau, it meant escaping to Walden pond for two years, for Chris McCandless it meant leaving for Alaska, for Ken Ilgunas it simply meant living out of a van for a semester and for other people this means looking out the window on long car rides, or sitting outside on a summer

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