Revenge in Storytelling: A Path to Pleasure or Pain?

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Can a story driven by revenge, with no apologies have a pleasant ending? Revenge is when someone does something that affects another person, so the affected person retaliates in an attempt to get back at them, it sounds quite negative. Though in the right situation it reveals any hidden thoughts or feelings, regarding the situation. In a story named My Oedipus Complex is about a child named Larry who lived peacefully with his mother, but then his father comes home, cutting off Larry’s connection to his mother. Throughout the story Larry made constant attempts at revenge for his father stealing his mother’s affection from him. In the movie ‘Dan in Real Life’ a single father drives to his parents house with his three daughters, This lets it be known that the person retaliating for seemingly no reason is mad at the other person. In My Oedipus Complex, Larry wakes up early, talks to the neighbor for a little while, then decides to migrate back to bed, but there wasn’t enough room between his parents for Larry to fit. He decides this is the father’s fault therefore he kicks him until he moves over. In Dan in Real Life, there is a scene where his family is gathered around the dinner table, then Mitch (Dan’s brother who is dating Marie) starts talking about his own accomplishments. Dan feels that Marie isn’t feeling included, so he points out that Mitch has talked about himself for quite a while, and he brings up how he didn’t mention any of his numerous exes. There was no real reason to react to these situations like they did, perhaps it could have gone better if they just let it go, and not retaliated in such a Holding onto grudges is a dreadful habit, but seeking an opportunity to take vengeance against someone for something they did without them even knowing that they wronged you is even more dangerous. In My Oedipus Complex, Larry is sent to sleep in another room as a result of him constantly waking up his father, this definitely made Larry feel even more lonely, which hurts his relationship with his family. In Dan in Real Life, his constant attempts to seem better than his brother certainly damages their relationship, in the end when Dan ends up with Marie, it leaves Mitch heartbroken, and certainly hurts their relationship. But can revenge produce positive

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