A Comparison Of Lupe And Andrew In Fly Away Home

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Did you ever feel like you were not positive or you felt like you were not wanted. If so you should look at Lupe and Andrew. Lupe and Andrew are both tough. In the story, The Marble Champ, the Character, Lupe, is trying to win a Marble game. Her mom, and dad don’t think that she will be able to win, but Lupe proves them wrong, but in the story, Fly Away Home, by Eve Bunting, the character, Andrew, is also tough. He is living in an airport, with no real meals at night and no mom. Lupe and Andrew are similar because, they are both hard working, positive. The first reason Lupe and Andrew are similar is because they are both hard working. Both Lupe and Andrew Works their way up to the next level. Andrew from Fly Away Home is hard working because

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