A Comparison Of John Pemberton And The Coca-Cola Invention

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John Pemberton and the Coca-Cola Invention

This historical research report will talk about a hard working scientist who wanted to carve his

name into history. The report will also talk about the history of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is the invention

that a scientist named John Pemberton made. Almost none knew that this drink would become an

American sensation. I'm going to start this report by telling you about the inventor's early life.

John Pemberton was born in Knoxville, Georgia on January 18, 1831. he studied medicine and

pharmacy at the Reform Medical College of Georgia. He was most respected at the states medical

establishment. Even though he was a pharmacist, his gifted skill was in medical chemistry. That is

why he …show more content…

The coca leaf was chewed by many natives in South

America. The wine was extremely popular until the city of Atlanta prohibited the sale of wine. The led

to the creation of the Coca-Cola drink.

The Coca-Cola drink served as an energy drink. It contained three main ingredients: the coca leaf,

the kola nut, and damiana. After John created the drink, he sent it down to a pharmacy so the

pharmacist could stir the drink with carbonated water. When the pharmacist tasted the drink, they

thought it was excellent. The name of the drink was suggested by Frank Robinson, John's bookkeeper.

Two years after the invention of the drink, John died. There was a funeral held for him in Atlanta.

Before he died, he sold his rights to Asa Candler. Asa changed the ingredients to the drink so it would

become a caffeine-rich drink. The drink became one of the most popular drinks in America.

For a long time, the Coca-Cola company tried and tried to perfect the drink. The company finally

made the perfect recipe for the famed Coca-Cola drink. They found an old Coca-Cola song that was

written by Bill Baker. This old song was introduced over the radio. Unfortunately, it wasn't

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