A Compare And Contrast Essay On Wolverines

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Gulo gulo typically live in colder climates like Canada, Northern United States, or Russia. Because wolverines cold climates they typically live in colder biomes such as boreal forests, taiga, or the tundra. They may appear in southern areas but they will most likely be in areas with high elevation. They Wolverines a muscular animals with a rounded head, small eyes and short rounded ears, and short legs. They also have thick hydrophobic fur coat to resist frost, and long sharp claws for hunting prey. In addition to their claws they also have jaws, strong enough to break bones, that are also used to hunt and eat their prey. Although wolverines are mammals that look like a small bear, they are actually more closely related to weasels than to …show more content…

Typically they will eat small mammals, like porcupines or ground squirrels, or berries but they may also eat berries when they are provided in the summer. On rare occasions they may take down much larger animals, such as caribou or moose, but only when circumstances, like deep snow, are in their favor. Since wolverines have a very strong sense of smell they can smell hibernating animals under the snow that they will kill and eat. Larger mammals like wolves, bears, and mountain lions are the main predators of wolverines. They typically use their claws and jaws to defend themselves against predators. However, humans use rifles to hunt wolverines for game and unfortunately wolverines have no defense against these weapons. The wolverine has a symbiotic relationship with ticks and deer. The wolverine’ relationship with ticks is parasitic. This is because they tick benefits by feeding on the wolverine’s blood while the wolverine looses nutrients in its blood and may get diseases. They also have commensalism relationship with deers. It is commensalism because the wolverine benefits from the reindeer digging down through the snow to get food while the reindeer is

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