A Chiminea Research Paper

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What On Earth is a Chiminea and What Does it Do?

You may have never heard the word chiminea before, but I can bet that you've seen one. You may not know them by that name, but they are quite common in the world today. More importantly, do you know what a chiminea does? Does it grant wishes, race across the world, feed the hungry? While the first two possibilities are clearly false, the third is a possibility! (67)

What is a Chiminea and where did it come from?

A chiminea is quite simply an outdoor fireplace. Dating back to 17th century Mexico, where clay pots, kettles, and even homes were common, the chiminea has a solid place in traditional Spanish history where they were invaluable.

Practicality and durability were a necessity …show more content…

In restaurants they help to provide a cozy and traditional atmosphere, bringing a more private feel to the evening. In curio collections, they are often the centerpiece of a Southwest style set of ornaments, right next to that clay boot with the lasso hanging over it.

How is a chiminea made?

Traditionally, chiminea were crafted from either El-Barro or terracotta clay. Crafted from wet clay, they are designed in two separate sections. The base or bowl or the chiminea is rounded, intended to hold the fire materials, and has an opening in the front. The stack, or neck, of the chiminea creates the draft and helps to direct the smoke and fire up and out, rather than out the front of the bowl.

Both sections are crafted and allowed to dry for a period of at least two days in order to evaporate some of the water in the clay. Without this, the clay would very likely explode during the kiln drying process, rendering the piece a failure. After drying, the pieces are brought together and formed into the final product, which is then kiln dried. This results in what appears to be one seamless and stacked fire

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