A Case Study Of The Case Of Typhoid Fever

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Introduction Typhoid fever (also known simply as typhoid) is a symptomatic bacterial infection that is characterized by various mild to severe symptoms, including fever, marked headache, and malaise. Other reported symptoms include anorexia, relative bradycardia, splenomegaly, nonproductive cough in the early stages of the illness, visible rose spots in the trunk, and constipation more often than diarrhea in adults (Heymann, 2015). The causative agent of typhoid is Salmonella enterica serovar typhi. Salmonella organisms penetrate the mucosa of both the small and large bowel, coming to lie intracellularly, where they proliferate. Initially S. typhi proliferates in the lower small intestine from where systemic dissemination occurs to the liver, …show more content…

Twelve of those cases were of people in attendance at the Schenectady Methodist Church’s afternoon supper on May 30th. Walter Thurber, who was not in attendance, ate food (specifically, potato salad) that was brought home from the supper by his wife. The evidence suggests that twelve of the cases were exposed to the illness during the dinner on May 30th, and the thirteenth (Mr. Thurber) was exposed to it on or soon after May 30th. Ten of the thirteen cases were in female (see appendix A), although it is unclear whether or not most attendees at the supper were female (only the first initials of those not affected are available). The age range of those affected is fairly evenly spread out between fourteen and sixty-five years old (see Appendix B), and a little over half of those infected were housewives (see Appendix C). Much of the dairy supply for those affected came from Dairylea and Bordan’s, but there was also dairy supply from individuals’ own cows as well as other suppliers (see Appendix D). The water sanitation in most of the homes of those infected came from the city (see Appendix E), and all but one of those infected lived in Schenectady. The person who did not live in Schenectady had made a trip to the city and was also in attendance at the …show more content…

Since typhoid fever is an illness typically contracted from food and beverages handled by people who are shedding the bacteria or when sewage contaminated by the bacteria goes into water for drinking or preparing foods, it is important to consider environmental factors such as food and water sources, exposure to sewage, and ingestion of contaminated or uncooked foods (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2013). In the case study, some of those infected owned their own water wells for their water source and septic tanks for their sewerage. This setup can potentially impact the level of contamination of their drinking water and expose them to a higher risk of contracting typhoid. People in the infected group were also noted to have cows from which they sourced their dairy products. Ingestion of these foods can also increase the risk of contracting S. typhi and other bacteria because it has not undergone pasteurization to rid it of harmful

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