Argumentative Essay: The Atheistic Argument Against God

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Atheistic Argument against God
In the past, and still among many religious people, it was/is believed that God is powerful, good, loving, and all-knowing. Atheists claim that such a God, if existed, would not punish his people by letting evil acts happen. Some theists respond by saying that God loves us and He lets evil acts happen because sometimes such an evil is important for us to keep us on the right path, other religious people claim that God gives us freedom to do evil, and without existence of evil, we would have no freedom. However, atheists respond, evil does not only give a lesson to people to learn about their mistakes, but it also takes their lives and/or the lives of their loved ones. In addition, many children, who are too young …show more content…

In the Free Will Defense argument, Lawhead says that, “Hence, God does not will or cause evil to occur, but in order to allow free agents such as us to exist, he has to allow us the freedom to commit evil acts” (Lawhead 366). But since God created the world and everything within it, as theists claim, he could make people do not think about evil acts at all at same time have freedom; in other words, he could make a world free of evil and freedom of will without violating either one. In addition, some theists claim that the heavenly afterlife is free of sins and free of evil. But why, atheist asks, God did not make this world free of evil and let people think about the right things only, if the good God …show more content…

If God is powerful, then he can do whatever he wants, if he is all-knowing, then he knows everything that is happening in this world, and if he is good, he would do the good things all the time. However, even if that is true, he cannot be the one who loves humans at the same time since natural disasters, diseases, and evil acts of God and God’s creatures kill innocent people all the time. Peter Kreeft questions, “It is not logically contradictory to say an all-powerful and all-loving God tolerates so much evil when he could eradicate it? Why do bad things happen to good people?” (Kreeft). Some theists claim that God punishes people since they do not believe in him. But this cannot be true since people who worship the God all the time go through the same punishments as atheists and

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