9/11 Short Stories

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On September 11, 2000, I was in a little cafe in downtown New York when a young man came and sat right in front of me in my booth. Being occupied with my work, i didn’t look up until the waitress came over to refill my coffee. “ That’s quite a nice laptop you have. You must be really important to have one of those.” he joked. I just shook my head and mumbled “mhhm”. Neither of us had said anything else so, thinking he would leave i just went back to my work. 10 minutes passed by and we was still there. I looked up, “ Don't you have to be at a job?”, i said. He replied, ”My job requires me to meet new people and write about my experiences.” there was a confused silence, “i work for a newspaper, you may have heard of it, it's called the new york …show more content…

“All im saying is maybe we find a nanny, April.” “why would we find a nanny when we had one and all she was good for was flirting with you!” “ I know, i know but it was give us more time together and she could clean the house and help Ellie with her studies.” “ NO! I'm not hiring a nanny, this daycare is just fine.” “ You never see my side of things April, you always get what you want.” “Michael, i do see your side of things, it's just sometimes they're not the best for the family.” “ Well maybe what's not best for this family is our marriage.” “are you joking micheal?” “Take that back you didn't mean it!” “Maybe i did, we’ll talk more later i have to go to work.” “if you’re going to act like this after work, don't bother coming home!” This fight was the biggest we had ever had. I couldn't believe what he had said to me. I mean was our marriage a mistake? Surly not, he's my soulmate. I thought about it all morning, it's the only thing thing occupied my mind. As i was working, all of my coworkers dragged me into the lounge to watch the news. 2 hijacked planes had hit the twins towers. Michael was there that day writing a paper over some of the workers for their heroicness during a hurricane last month. I knew he was in that building. At 10:45 i got a call from a local hospital. I didn't want to answer thinking he had been pronounced dead but i knew i needed to.

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