9/11 Ethos Pathos Logos

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The act of terrorism has affected our nation for generations. On September 11th, 2001 the twin towers were struck by two terroristic planes, killing hundreds of civilians and leaving millions stuck in distraught. On the night of the horrendous event President Bush gave an emotional speech that gave the world a feeling of peace, a sense of security, and a promise for revenge for those grieving in our troubled nation. He was able to accomplish assuring the entire country by using literary devices such as, ethos, pathos, and logos and other literary devices efficiently. After the devastating terror attack on September 11, 2001, President George Bush assured the people of America that our nation was going to go back to normal as soon as …show more content…

Using ethos Bush effectively persuaded the nation that they were safe and that the country would continue on as is. With the help of ethos, and his work position that made him credible, President Bush convinced America’s hearts that everything was going to be alright and provided a sliver of hope for the citizens of America. Throughout his speech Bush used strong words to and phrases to present ethos. For example, President Bush repeated words such as we, our, and us to tell the people of America that they are one combined unit, and that he, their leader, stands by them no matter what. In addition, he also uses the following paragraph in his speech, “Our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New Your City and Washington D.C. to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured…” Throughout the speech, Bush uses these long descriptive sentences that contain mostly pathos and ethos to create an emotional appeal and to show that he, the president, is a credible leader that his citizens can

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