8th Grade Graduation Speeches

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Hello everybody, thank you for being here today. Let me just tell you how happy I am to see all of you graduating and moving on to high school. Sir Isaac Newton once said “I have seen further than others it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” I would like to thank all the giants that helped me see past what was originally thought to be the horizon. All the quarks- up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom. All the quacks-(list of names). I would now like to share my experiences I had in this school. The first year of middle school went by pretty quickly. The second year went pretty slowly. I think it went slowly because we all wanted to be in eighth grade already. Now that eight grade is ending don’t we all wish we could do it all …show more content…

Thank you to all the teachers, Mrs. Pimentel for arranging all these cool things such as career day. Mr. Rojas for being one of the most amazing teachers I have ever had. Mr. Martinez for telling us “life changing advice” literally everyday and also really weird stories like your tooth… yeah… Thank you Ms. Serrano for teaching me a lot of math things. Mrs. Regalado-Yepez thanks for believing in everyone and giving us amazing life lessons. Thank you Mrs. Lopez for thinking my physic jokes are funny, I’m not sure if you remember this joke, but here it goes, A neutron walked into a bar and asked, “How much for a drink?” The bartender responds by saying, “For you no charge.” Haha. Mrs. Deleway for teaching us about wait for it... the Mongols. Ms. Brown for teaching us about science, my favorite lesson was probably about evolution. Mrs. Martin for helping me keep my grades high thanks. Mrs. Stewart for giving us a multitude of work that we will eventually use in our lives once again probably not. Mrs. Argend for doing an absolutely faboulous job of explaining the material. Thank you Mrs. Herrera for helping every student understand language arts and yes, I still listen to AC/DC. And thank you Mr. Ruiz for advancing science and trying to understand string theory/m-theory/supper symmetry, quantum mechanics, and other physics

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