7 Habits Of Pursuing Personal Excellence

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7 Habits
Pursuing personal excellence is suppose to be a hard thing to do, but all it takes is to be proactive more often and understand instead of being understood. It's just looking at everything in a positive way, and listening and shutting up for a few days right? It can't be that hard to do, right? Just be proactive and understand instead of being understood.

One way any person can pursue personal excellence is to be proactive, and to not be reactive about most things. "Each day you and I get about 100 chances to choose whether to be proactive or reactive " (Covey 57). Covey says that being proactive or reactive is a choice it's not who someone is. " Being proactive can relieve stress, improve your health, win you accomplishments and contribute to your sense of control and direction over your life." (Fisher 1). So being proactive can help people, not just in one, but many ways. Why wouldn't anyone want to be proactive and help themselves in many different areas?

Another way some try to pursue personal excellence is to …show more content…

Being proactive changed a couple of things that really got me thinking. When playing golf for the last week I realized being proactive is what can help me. If I was reactive after every bad shot I would've never played good. Also when seeking to understand instead of being understood it was a little difficult. Since I am not that much of a focused person it was hard not listening to only part of what someone was saying. Once I started to listen, I realized that if I zone out I can miss out on some really interesting topics or ideas.

Even though no one is perfect striving towards personal excellence goals gets someone closer everyday. Being proactive and understanding instead of being understood is how anyone can help themselves and their communities perhaps. Striving towards excellence is easy if someone goes one step at a time by being proactive and

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