303 paper

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One of the biggest issues facing the modern world today is poverty. Twenty-one percent of people live below the poverty line. The current poverty line is $1.25 us dollars per day. Those who make that amount per day or less or considered to be impoverished. Over the last twenty-five years the percentage has fallen from forty-three percent to the current twenty-one percent. The issue is that over the last few years the decline in poverty has begun to slow down. More has to be done to eradicate poverty in the modern world. There are many methods to decreasing poverty such as: creating infrastructure, foreign aid, or education programs. The best way to reduce poverty is through education of those below the poverty line. By increasing the level of basic education provided to those in poverty the number of people in poverty will decrease.
All those in poverty should be provided with education under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The doctrine states that all humans are endowed with certain rights regardless of government type or laws. The United Nations is the primary force in acknowledgment of these rights. All nations have signed the United Nations charter document when they join the United Nations. The charter states that human rights exist. Since all nations have joined the United Nations all nations acknowledge that humans rights exist. The problem is getting the nations to agree to what are actually human rights. The United Nations have passed in part (meaning that only some nations have signed but not all) the original Declaration of Human Rights which encompassed security rights which is protection people from massacre, mass murder, torture, and rape by the state. The United Nati...

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The best way to address poverty is through education. Through making education a priority in poor developing nations not inly do they begin to see an economic increase within a few years but the long-term investment is incalculable. Through asserting the value of providing basic human rights to every person especially education poverty through out the world can be drastically reduced if not eradicated. Overall choosing education is not just a positive human capital choice but also a fiscally responsible one. Through educating people regardless of income the bottom level of existence can be raised so that the vast majority of people are living well above the world poverty line. The investment in education is a must to create human capital, so that the whole world can step into a brighter future where all play a valuable part in society not just the wealthy.

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