30 There's No Place Like Home Analysis

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The Original Rules of Basketball In the documentary, “30 for 30: There’s No Place Like Home”, there is a very debatable subject. The documentary was created by Josh Swade who is an intense KU fan. He had a quest to obtain James Naismith’s original rules of basketball and bring them back to Kansas University. In the end, he completed his mission. This was the disputable topic that while many people thought it was unworthy, others thought it was honorable. Nevertheless, this historic document does not belong at KU for many reasons. Furthermore, without Josh Swade’s help and persistent personality, this document would not be at KU. The negatives undoubtedly outweigh the positives in having this document at Kansas University. One reason it doesn’t belong at KU is because it was insanely expensive, and KU itself didn’t even feel a need for it. Duke, on the other hand, had more financial support for the rules. Although, some Kansas alumni have lots of money to pay for the rules, they shouldn’t waste millions of dollars on a document. Not to mention, they weren’t even thinking about trying to obtain the document until Josh Swade attempted to persuade them. Josh didn’t even pay any money himself. The price of the document was expensive, but Josh still had to pay for his gas and airplane flights to try to convince each donor to provide money for the …show more content…

The expenses, other places the document could be, and the fact that the rules may not be the originals, makes people wonder why Swade wanted these so bad. The rules don’t belong and, then again, the negatives overpower the positives. David Booth was one of the most impactful donors. Booth, when talking about the rules, said,“There were some funny ones. [...] The whole thing seems kind of funny.” Thus, Booth donated millions of dollars to a situation he wasn’t even sure about, he simply thought that situation was funny. In the end, the rules so not belong at Kansas

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