3.0 Gpa Earn Free College Tuition Research Paper

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Should High schools with a 3.0 GPA earn free college tuition at state run colleges? If they do things could end up being a lot easier for students as for the money the students were worried about may not affect them as much anymore. The supplies needed could be more easily reached making the things required, even more easily obtainable. If a High school does end up earning free college tuition for state run colleges from a 3.0 GPA, Attending and finishing colleges would not be as stressful as it could be right now for some students who end up in debt from their college fees.
I think High schools with a 3.0 GPA should earn free college tuition at state run colleges because the student education rates would probably rise leading to less people who have no jobs and jobs available could be more often obtainable. A problem could be the amount of jobs available to the people who got their education because more job spaces would be taken quicker leading to a need of more jobs which could result in some of the students who got their education not having a job because they are all taken. In this case, the homeless rates could possibly rise with no one able to receive a job around. As well as the people who are already homeless, such as high school dropouts, people who can not afford a house, in spite of all of the reasons, the …show more content…

The education could be easier to follow through with because receiving books to work with and other supplies could be easier to reach which would lead to people actually being able to work. Understanding the concept would have to be something the students do on their own and that could be another problem but it would also be hard to prevent because you can not choose what other people do for

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