18th Century Slavery Compare And Contrast

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Comparison and Contrast of 18th Century slavery.

Juan Sanchez
HIST 221: African American History before 1877
Professor Craig Cook
July 25, 2015

Slavery in all Chesapeake, South Carolina, and Georgia were different in many ways. At one point in Chesapeake, white and blacks worked together in tobacco fields as indentured servants. They also lived and slept together.
Before the late 1600’s there was a very thin line between black slavery and white freedom. Slaves had “Christian” names and were considered Christians, this made them to be considered as indentured servants and during the early 1600’s they were allowed to work off the price that was paid by their masters had paid for them in order to become free. Many slaves …show more content…

The Chesapeake region was the first to enact “Slave codes” which would eventually convey across all regions partially and in its entirety. Bills of sale for slaves in regards to children of Black female slaves was introduced in the Chesapeake region stated that the children born to these women would be slaves for life because their mother was a slave. As the slave codes kicked in slaves were deemed inferior and could no longer become converts of Christianity eradicating completely indentured servitude. Tobacco was the main source of richness in the Chesapeake region; slaves worked in teams in the tobacco fields in order to accomplish their master’s goal in a faster …show more content…

The slaves in low country grew through the constant new arrivals of slaves from Africa. Slaves in the low country had a very high mortality rate due to disease, overwork, and poor treatment. Slaves in the low country retained more of their African heritage because there were so many of them and always fresh Africans coming in the ports. By the 18th Century, the low country had almost a 70 percent ratio of black slaves compared to white slave owners. Charleston was North America’s leading port of entry for Africans. The main crops in the low country were rice and corn compared to the Chesapeake region. The slaves there developed their own broken languages called Geechie and Gullah. Low Country showed a great deal of Creolization. This is the first sign of distinct classes between slaves. The creoles stayed in the same areas as whites because they were mixed race they had social and economic advantages over slaves that were on plantations but they were still watched all the time by whites. In contrast to the slaves in the Chesapeake region, the slaves in low country had certain independence in their daily routines. Once they were done with their chores, their time was free to do what they chose without supervision. Although the slaves had this independence, the white people still had a “Negro Watch” to enforce curfew on the black people

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