12 Years A Slave

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Today we see our world to be a utopian environment because we live in what is referred as a first world country. However, there is more to this rosy depiction. Our world is made up of historical elements of the past and present, which still continuously lies deep within our soul. Humanity was significantly impacted by the segregation and alienation of different races and as a consequence of such discrimination and racism, slavery developed. Since this time, humanity has transitioned and many have since shared personal experiences of their feeling of being divorced from freedom. Solomon Northup’s ’12 Years A Slave’ teaches and shares firsthand knowledge through experience from his very own encounters of being subjected to slavery. What …show more content…

When the mind and body endures times when inflicted with excruciating pain, the mind is able to recall in so much detail the pain it once felt both physically and emotionally. Northrup is representative of this, as he publishes an exceptionally vivid and detailed storyline of his slave life. He recreated his life’s emotional journey by visually recounting significant painful life events including the punishment he was sentenced by his master. This is demonstrated in the graphic and violent scene, he shared of being whipped to bleeding point. ’12 Years A Slave’ touched me emotionally as I felt so many emotions. I found myself feeling more pain and sympathized with every page turned. I was horrified to learn how his or her master could mistreat someone. Their caretaker. I was left questioning how and more importantly, why masters would abuse their own position of authority. Why did so many masters have this same attitude leaving so many slaves sharing similar painful and terrifying …show more content…

By learning this, I wondered why there was such a great friction between these two different races. This brings me to the question. Who is the victim? Who is wrong? Furthermore, I learned how strong the human spirit is through seeing and reading Northup’s life story. ’12 Years A Slave’ will provide you knowledge and a new perspective on humanity itself. It made me think about how immensely different races were disadvantaged or was it because of how humanity’s psyche was developed which lead them to separating races into classes. In addition, it will provide true accounts of his twelve hard years as a slave. This autobiography of Solomon Northup is a graphic piece of literature where his phenomenal journey testifies the true strength of the human spirit despite the obstacles faced. Northup’s ’12 Years A Slave’ exemplifies a piece of literature where you are able to gain knowledge and have a new perspective on the mistreatment of slaves in American History. It is an exhilarating, inspiring and unforgettable story as it is testament of someone who has retained his humanity from degradation. This incredible story is told with talent, which disheartens and invigorates the imagination, stirs the soul and will change your mind. This is why I truly recommend ’12 Years A Slave’ to those who are interested about history and to open up your mind and re-shape your first thoughts on

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