1.2 Explain The Importance Of Responsible For Health And Safety

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Employers have many health and safety responsibilities such as; Employer’s should decide what could cause you harm in your job and the things that they can do to stop that from happening. This could be by fixing a chair that you sit in regularly that you have reported to not be adequate for supporting your back, it is their responsibility to listen and act on your complaint for your safety. It is also their responsibility to ensure that you do not pay any money for the chair to be fixed or to buy a new one. They must provide you with any equipment/protective clothing free of charge. This ensures that even the staff on the lowest of wages do not have to choose between personal necessities or their safety. Employers should always explain who is responsible for the health and safety in your workplace and who you should report any incidents to clearly, this person will be responsible for keeping up to date records on any incidents and reporting any major incidents, injuries or diseases to the incident contact centre. Employers must insure that they consult with staff and this person regularly to address any potential hazards in the workplace and come to a solution that will prevent incidents from happening. …show more content…

If you see a spillage on the floor it is your responsibility to not ignore it, you should follow the procedure in place; this could be by cleaning the spillage and covering the still wet area with a wet floor

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